(In development)

SimuToy is Hearttoy's son and it's much better because it has better effects and lighting!

Spawns: Human / Robot / Cyborg / Zombie / Moroid / Box / MetalBox / Glass / Phaser / MiniPhaser / PhasePistol / TNT / AntigravitationalBomb / Nuke / Pusher / Bomb / Missle / Ramp / Triangle / HardBlock / EnemyRobot  / VZVL / Wireless / RandChip / InterligatorChip / ChooserChip / DirectionerChip / AdvanceChip / SuperChip / AliveChip / LEDGreen / LEDRed / Xpeez / Screen / SteamGenerator / EnergyModule / Spiderbot / Fire / Explosion / Shock / Spaceship / UFO / PortalBlue / PortalYellow / PC / TV / IonThruster (Non working for now) / PressurePlate / GravityStone / AlienGun / LifeCrystal / LoveCrystal / Alien / Reactor / WaterContainer / MoroidContainer / RadioCell / BlockOfUnknown  / Ball / Heater / Battery / PlasmaCell / EnergyCell / FireCell / EnergyGun / MetalWall / Stone / Sword / Hammer / Pickaxe / CraftTable / Hover...

WARNINGS: 1: If you're very sensitive please do not play this game. 2: Sometimes this game updates constantly... 3: If stops updating it's because something went wrong or it's just the final updates...

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